Why live in a world without air conditioning?

That’s not a life worth living! A/C systems work to lower both the temperature as well as the humidity, and they help us together so we can survive the hot and sweaty weeks to come.

To me, brave is something that you only see in fairytales. You don’t ever see people being brave in real life! I entirely don’t think that I could survive without the awesome luxuries that the people I was with and I have this week, so I was not born in a time when humans were barely surviving on the earth! I have zero interest in learning how to live without access to heating or air conditioning equipment. A/C systems and typical heating furnaces are a necessity for me, and I haven’t got the slightest clue for building a fire. On top of that, I’m pretty sure I couldn’t even handle starting a fire in a wood stove! Furnaces are awesome for that reason though, as they are so convenient and don’t need anything other than the flip of a switch to operate. The funny thing is, air conditioners are even better than furnaces! No air conditioning means that I would be tormented by the constant heat that comes with the Summer each and every day. That’s not a life worth living! A/C systems work to lower both the temperature as well as the humidity, and they help us together so we can survive the hot and sweaty weeks to come. Taking me away from any air conditioning in the summer is a great way to ensure that I pass out on the ground! The same would be true without a furnace. If our world ever changed plus the temperature changed so that most people had extreme seasons, I would have to have our Heating plus A/C units. If the world ever took our air conditioner or furnace in this hypothetical wasteland, then I am sure that I would not be one of the survivors. I am weak, sorry!


Whole home air purification