My home is around two hundred years old and extremely big.
It’s two stories with a full attic, high ceilings and lots of large windows.
The walls are not properly insulated and many of the windows leak air. I live in an area with severe year round weather, and we rely heavily on the furnace and air conditioner. My home is difficult to heat and cool and costs me a fortune in energy bills. Certain rooms are exposed to the midday sun and tend to get overheated. Other rooms are shaded and get hit by the wind and are always a bit chilly. The HVAC system is too outdated to upgrade to zone control, so we have a central thermostat. If I adjust the temperature setting to accommodate specific rooms, the whole house ends up either way too hot or freezing cold. Rather than invest in a whole new furnace and central air conditioner, I spent a lot less on a ductless multi-split system. The ductless heat pump includes a single outdoor compressor linked to multiple indoor air handlers. The air handlers mounted on the walls of various rooms and allow for independent control over heating and cooling. Each air handler has its own thermostat. Plus, the ductless system is wonderfully energy efficient and features wifi connectivity. I can manage the temperature setting and adjust fan speed from an app on my phone. Despite the small size of the air handlers, the system is quite powerful. It can heat up or cool down a room very quickly and maintains a nice, even temperature. I like that the ductless heat pump filters the air, keeping these rooms cleaner and ensuring superior air quality.