Smart thermostat technology is helping me save a bundle

When I was seventeen, I was injured in a serious car accident.

  • My parents sued the driver of the other vehicle, and I received a huge lump sum settlement.

The lawyer made sure that I couldn’t touch the money for a few years. I didn’t receive the money until my 25th birthday, which was last year. I decided to use most of the money to open a small business. I bought all of the items necessary to open a bead and jewelry shop. I sell thousands of different beads and jewelry items, and I also have a small selection of handcrafted pieces. Business has been slow for a while, and I’m not making as much money as I would like. The monthly utility bills are starting to increase, even though I’m still not generating a lot of revenue. I decided to purchase a smart thermostat to help save some money. The smart thermostat is a great piece of technology. The smart thermostat can be controlled with an application on my cell phone. The application controls the smart thermostat inside of the shop. I get a lot of information about the store as well, like the ambient temperature, humidity, and air filter health levels. The smart thermostat technology won’t save me hundreds of dollars every month, but it will help with some of the bills. I’ve been using the features for a few weeks, and I’m happy to turn off the air conditioner at night. I simply turn on the air conditioner in the morning, an hour before I arrive at the shop. By the time I open the store, the temperature inside is a comfortable 72°.
air duct