My cousin has always been the pride of the family. He is a doctor and he married a woman who has a law degree. My brother was always compared to him and asked, “why can’t you be like your cousin, he is so successful”. I could tell it bothered him but he was just a blue collar guy and liked working with his hands. He was always tinkering with a car, lawnmower, or even some sort of appliance trying to fix it or make it better. He used to hang out at his buddy’s house fixing up antique cars. When it came time to choose a career, he decided that he wanted to become an HVAC repair technician. My parents supported his decision but worried that he would work himself to death to make ends meet. They really wanted him to go to a four year college and get a degree but knew he would never be happy. So long as he was happy with being a “laborer”, they would be happy for him. Boy did he surprise people! Five years after earning his certification as an HVAC technician, he opened up his own business. That was almost ten years ago now and he has expanded to employ twenty people. Now, whenever anyone mentions my cousins “success”, my parents remind them of my brother’s company. They then hand people his business card in case they need a good service technician. They also tell them not to expect a family discount with the way they talked down about their son. It is nice to hear my parents supporting my brother the way they do.