So glad we opted for ductless HVAC in our sunroom

It’s nearing the end of July but I’m super comfortable enjoying some sunshine right in the middle of the day.

This is no small feat as we live in a region where the temperature hangs around the century mark for four months.

Then add in a huge amount of humidity and you’re closing in on what it’s like here during the summer. For me, I’m sort of new to all of this. I grew up and lived my entire adult life up north. We were far enough north that the summers really weren’t all that tough. In fact, my parent’s home didn’t even have any sort of central air conditioning at all. So I’ve pretty much flipped the script in retirement. These days, I have no more worries about whether or not the gas furnace will make it through the winter. That’s not a concern because I no longer have a gas furnace. And really, the heat pump barely even comes on during our winter it’s just that mild. But man, do we ever make up for it in the summer. The heat settles in for about four months straight. And the air conditioning is running morning, noon and night. Of course, we do our best to rein the thermostat setting in a bit. But when we bought a house with a sunroom, it seemed pretty crazy not to have some air conditioning in there as well. So we had a ductless heat pump installed and that has worked out just fine. I love being able to have enough air conditioning in there to go out and enjoy the space without burning up.

Heater technician