At least we don’t have to upgrade the HVAC

I sat a long time in the car with the air conditioning running.

The idea of having to discuss the new assignment from the company with my wife was not an easy one.

This last move to this house was supposed to be it for a long while. We bought a house, put in the latest in HVAC technology among other big time upgrades and renovations. Finally, we had the home that we had always longed for. It was our time to actually settle into a community and become attached to a place. That hadn’t been the case since we were married. Initially, we lived in apartments with not the best quality heating and air nor the most spacious when it came to square footage. But we both toughed it out and focused on our work. Working for the same company but in different disciplines was a good thing. When one of us got a promotion, we came as a package deal. While we worked inside the same zone controlled HVAC, we didn’t see each other but at lunch if even then. This went on for a dozen years before we were assured that we could stay put and start a life in the community. But the pandemic shifted so many things in our business that this no longer held true. And I just got word that we were being moved again. So I just wanted to sit in the air conditioning of my car a bit longer to find the right way to break this news to my wife.

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