I represent single moms as well as Moms all over the state

When I was 6 years old, my mom as well as Mom got a divorce.

My mom absolutely hated my Mom, so he took me to a unusual state as well as I never had a occasion to spend any time with my Mom, and he died when I was 15 years old, however i never got a occasion to spend time with him as well as he never had a occasion to believe anything about me.

I am still genuinely nervous with my mother for taking that from me. I believe that he believed that he was doing what was best for me, however I wish someone would have asked me what I wanted. I decided to become a family attorney for this reason. I want to help other single mothers as well as fathers confrontation for their rights to see their children. I believe that my mom is genuinely proud of the labor that I do as an attorney, however I assume he still carries guilt as well as burden from taking my father away from me. My mom as well as I have been to a number of therapy sessions together to try to service this area of our relationship. I try to make up for the time that I lost with my Mom by working hard as a family attorney. I make sure that other young children don’t have to go through the same thing as me. I help parents confrontation for the rights to see their children even if they don’t have a ton of money… All of us have a network of family lawyers that are willing to help out with cases as well as often they will supply this labor absolutely free of charge.


Corporate attorney