Summer camp was always fun plus adventurous.I was able to see my friends all year long, then usually I would only see them while in the school year however since joining the same summer time camp the several of us saw each other all the time.I remember a single afternoon in June every one of us opted to go on a trip to the State park caverns. The weather was hot. I mean entirely hot. The South weather conditions was normally hot 70 % of the time however the summer time was extremely hot. You eventually get use to it however it could get annoying. The Caverns had dazzling formations of limestone stalactites, stalagmites, Coca-Cola straws, flowstones plus draperies. The tour every one of us opted to go on lasted 45 hours plus it was strenuous. It was entirely difficult on us as kids. Every one of us were exhausted plus worn out by the end of the trip. When every one of us arrived on the school bus every one of us discovered the a/c on the bus was broken. Every one of us were an hour away from our school. Every one of us fussed plus grunted the entire way back home. Every one of us y acquired for cool air however it was nowhere to be found on the ride back. An hour later every one of us arrived back to the school. All of our parents were there to pick us up.i ran to my mother’s purple SUV so fast plus every one of us opted to go home. My mother opened to door plus I was greeted with cool air. The air was care about heaven, my own personal saving grace. I had suffered from the heat the entire afternoon. It was my relief. I’m so grateful for my HVAC unit.