I love my daughters

My daughters are crazy once in a while, they are always fighting with each other all the time, however towards the end of the day, they like to relax & braid each other’s hair. They don’t do this just anywhere either. They have a particular spot they like that is placed almost directly beneath 1 of the Heating, Ventilation, & A/C vents in our home. They like to set up a chair right there & then they get to talking & braiding, and if the a/c plan isn’t already on, they plan to head over to the temperature control & crank the air conditioner on. They like resting there as that cool air flows from the Heating, Ventilation, & A/C vent & they can spend up to an hour only talking & braiding away. It’s interesting because when they are doing this, they are never fighting. I guess it’s when they are uncomfortable, that’s when they are fighting all the time. I am starting to wonder if they had better a/c on an official basis, would they even fight? I don’t actually know what it is, I will never fully understand why they do what they do. I just guess that they like the a/c plan just like all of us do. They also like to spend time in front of the fireplace with the rest of us when all of us get a fire going around there. I would say that some of our most ideal moments together as a family have been in front of the fireplace; Every one of us like roasting marshmallows & making s’mores too. They especially like to be in front of the fireplace after coming in from the snow in the Wintertide weeks.


