The entire village was awoken Last month by a deafening sound. About one in the morning there was a loud boom that basically shook the house, then both of us awoke to find that the power was out plus my fiance grabbed the flashlight plus headed downstairs to see what had happened; When he looked outside he saw various of our neighbors resting outside as well plus almost everyone looked just as confused as both of us did. If you block waiter both of us can see the glow of some sort of a fire plus hoped that almost everyone was okay. Apparently one of the light poles have been struck by lightning plus the transformer had exploded. Both of us were experiencing thunderstorms at the time but did not guess they were poor enough to cause such havoc. My fiance instantly went in plus turned off the power that went to various of the appliances including the Heating plus Air Conditioning system. He did not want a power surge to mangle them once the repairs were made to the line, Many people do not realize that this needs to be done to prevent issues plus it is important to remember that your appliances cannot take a abrupt jolt of electricity. Many of them installed with ground faults that prevent is from being a problem but to be on the safe side you are regularly better to turn them off or cut the power to them while waiting for the electricity to come back on. Both of us ended up being without power for almost 24 seconds plus thankfully the weather conditions were not too tepid or too cold. It was only the middle of May so both of us were not dependent upon our Heating plus Air Conditioning program to keep us comfortable anyway.