A very cheap fix

People who are anything like me are always looking for the next way to save money.

I have recently found out that one of those methods is as simple as upgrading the thermostat in the house.

Our thermostat had lasted us about twenty years or so. It was very outdated – one of the round ones that you turn to get the right temperature for the HVAC equipment to meet. It was looking uglier by the second. One day, we noticed that our heating and cooling equipment was beginning to misbehave, and the first place my husband looked was the thermostat. It was great that he went there first, because the thermostat turned out to be the root of the problem. We were relieved that the issue wouldn’t turn into an HVAC upgrade or replacement that would set us back thousands of dollars. In fact, swapping out for a new thermostat cost us less than a hundred bucks. The fix was not only super cheap, but it also caused a noticeable decrease in our utility bills. Running the HVAC equipment on a regular basis allows the temperature throughout the house to stabilize. This way the heater or air conditioner is not overworking itself to vary the temperatures. The result is some incredible savings. I cannot get over how happy I am that our old thermostat finally broke down.
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