Around ast summer, the two of us had this stage of time where the two of us kept finding bees in our family room window. The two of us have a big bay window right behind our family room table, and almost every day it seemed like the two of us would find various or 4 bees buzzing around near the window, and it freaked my guys out, since they are super paranoid about being stung. To keep a long story short, I didn’t suppose much about it at first. I thought that maybe they were coming in through a small window or something. But then the two of us had our Heating and A/C corporation come out to the condo to do their annual air vent and HVAC duct cleaning. The Heating and A/C corporation suggests that you do HVAC duct cleaning twice a year, but the two of us mostly only have it done once or twice a year. Anyway, when the Heating and A/C supplier started washing out the vents, the two of us heard this humming noise from somewhere inside the walls of the house. At first, I thought that I hadn’t turned the air conditioner off or something. It seemed to me like a component running and I thought that maybe the undefined fan was still on. However all of a sudden, the humming got louder and the two of us realized that the two of us had a massive family of bees living inside our heating ducts! As realization dawned on us, the Heating and A/C supplier and I slowly backed out of the room and closed the door. Then I called the exterminator right away. I wasn’t going to mess around with a swarm of bees in my HVAC duct and I know that the Heating and A/C supplier didn’t want to either!