I put the date on the air filter itself so I remember exactly when it was changed.
.I’m a very independent person and I always try to do things on my own at my house. This is in regards to simple repairs and maintenance. However I limit myself when it comes to doing repairs and maintenance on my washing machine and dryer because I know the simple basics of these machines, not the full complex operating system. The reason for this is that I don’t want to cause any more damage than what may be wrong with it. For example I like to check my air conditioning system before I need to call a heating and cooling technician. For starters I do some basic checks to make sure that my air conditioning unit is working. I like to make sure that the power supply is on. I want to make sure that when I’m calling my heating and cooling technician I don’t want to have accidentally not turned on the ac or a circuit breaker went off. I just feel like that would be so embarrassing. I also check to make sure the thermostat is on and if the thermostat is not on I may need to replace the batteries. I also make sure that the air vents are on in my home. I want to make sure that no air vents are blocked and that I should feel some form of cool air coming out of them. I check that my air filter was changed recently. I put the date on the air filter itself so I remember exactly when it was changed. I also want to make sure that the condenser unit is not covered either. The condenser unit is the big unit that’s installed outside and makes a humming noise when it’s on. If the condenser unit is ever blocked there can be a lack of air flow and can shut down the entire air conditioning unit. These are some simple checks that I do to ensure that everything is right!