You can find just about anything on YouTube.

Somewhere in your memory bank, this ad will pop up when you are shopping at a store, and you may buy that product to try it out

We live in a time of information overload. This is because we can learn about most topics online and almost become an expert if we are diligent enough. I remember my parents had all of those DIY books in the study that they would pour through to try and fix something or build a project. Now, we have sites like YouTube where you can watch a video on how to do just about anything. I like using this site but I am frustrated at times by the pop-up ads that appear in the middle of an explanation. These are there in order for me to use the site without paying for it, but, if you are in the middle of rewiring something and have to stop for thirty seconds to watch an add for some laundry soap, it can be annoying. I really don’t care if my clothes smell fresh and clean when I have a panel I am trying to repair. The ads on these sites are normally ones that pay for the service each time someone clicks on them. They can be helpful at times but for the most part just seem to get in the way. Even seeing them though is as advantage to you companies. It gets their name out there because most people will remember the annoying company and their product long after seeing the ad. Either way it works for the advertiser. Somewhere in your memory bank, this ad will pop up when you are shopping at a store, and you may buy that product to try it out. You won’t even remember that the ad annoyed you at the time you purchase the product. These ads work and that is why so many companies pay for them.


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