Why are cloud-based systems important?

There are six key benefits of using cloud-based systems for your building.

For the layman, it can seem quite confusing, but it is actually quite simple.

Let’s look at the first benefit of using cloud-based systems. Continuous improvement is one thing we are always striving for. You are able to take a look into individual and overall building operations. This allows you to evaluate energy costs and compare the performance across many sites. Second is proactive maintenance. You need to cut the problems off before they become a problem. Declining performance in a chiller could be an indication of equipment failure. With a cloud-based system, you have the power to do maintenance before it becomes a crisis. Thirdly is occupant comfort. It used to be impossible to keep everyone happy all of the time. By continuously monitoring the conditions you can ensure comfort is being maintained. Fourth are the real-time alerts. When things happen an automatic alert could give you the time you need to take action and solve the problem. Fifth on the list is crowdsourcing. Because of cloud-based it is easier to share information and enable everyone to share in the solutions. You don’t need to take on the project by yourself, but you can use every asset that is available. The sixth and final benefit of cloud-based systems is improved services. You need to be able to arm your people with the proper information. Building services are improved when decision makers from corporate managers to local maintenance are all in the loop.



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