waiting for the HVAC technician, at least I got my Christmas shopping done

When you have a demanding job and a demanding family, the holiday season can get extremely stressful.

In my daily 9 to 5, I have been overworked and running into overtime hours regularly each week.

It’s an extremely busy season for us and it’s all hands on deck this time of the year. It doesn’t help that my family is extremely excited about Christmas spirit and I have to pay for 5 kids to have an amazing holiday each year. My wife expects a lot of participation on my part, and I do my best to deliver. All of that being said, the last thing that we needed during this time of the year was a furnace breakdown. Additionally, I really couldn’t afford the down time required to meet with a professional HVAC technician and be present while they perform difficult repairs on our central heating system. However, there really was no choice. One morning there was absolutely no heat and the only option available was to call out the nearest Heating and Cooling Specialist. Of course, our local HVAC supplier was completely booked. They said they would try to schedule us in some point during the week, but someone needed to be at home so they could access the furnace. My time definitely could have been better spent. But with the entire family coming over next week, we couldn’t wait for the furnace to get inspected ASAP. I took some days off of work and waited around the house for the ventilation Specialists to arrive. At least, in the end, I used this forced free time to do all of my shopping online.

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