This seasoned portable a/c is legitimately noisy

I hate a lot of excess noise.

I remember when my brother decided to take up drumming when I was in school.

My parents dealt with it for about a year before all of us could not take the noise anymore! Luckily my brother switched to piano plus my fantastic friend and I all survived the next few years without all going insane, and granted a real piano can make a lot of noise if you play loudly, however my parents ended up buying in the digital piano so he could use his headphones to practice. It made everybody else in the house a lot less annoyed; Things got worse for me regarding loud noises after I went on a tour of duty overseas in the army. I listened to a lot of artillery blasts plus got legitimately fearful after hearing those sounds knowing how dangerous the situations were that I was involved in, then so now I struggle with loud noises as I transition into civilian life. I purchased a up-to-date portable a/c recently because the seasoned one I was using made way too much noise for me to handle. It was a gift from my Grandparents after they moved out of their seasoned house. They didn’t need the portable a/c anymore so they asked me if I wanted it. I thought it would be a fantastic device plus supply me lots of use, however the loud noise it made caused me to experience insomnia symptoms again. That thing was so noisy I only used it twice before telling myself that I would get a up-to-date one to replace it, then originally, it took me a month to budget the currency again to get a up-to-date portable a/c.

Air conditioning installation