The closet high school for our family is more than 15 miles away! In the afternoon, our teenagers have to ride the bus. Our teenagers have to walk from our apartment to the bus stop, which is quite a hike even for their feet. however when the hot temperatures become cold, temperatures outside are frigidly cold. My wife and I will sometimes drive our teens to the bus stop. The kids love to wait in the car because the heater keeps all the everyone’s feet warm! Although not often, the bus has been more than 10 minutes late. That’s a long time for anyone to wait in icy cold weather. Fortunately, we knew the bus has a nice heater system. In the last week, our teens have been complaining about riding the bus. They claimed the bus doesn’t have any heat. They have been begging us to drive them to school in the morning but then we both work, not one of us have enough time to drive our kids to school in the mornings. It really broke my heart to hear them so upset so we decided to call the school to ask if the bus was having issues with their heating. I fully expected the kids to be lying about it. But we actually heard the shocking truth. The school bus did not have any heat and the school officials said they are working on a fix this week. I asked how they were keeping the kids from freezing on the school bus for the hour long drive. There was no real answer and all that could be said was that they are working on the problem. I drove the teenagers to school the next morning before calling the superintendent’s office.