Going camping is totally awesome and we have been going a long time. We really needed a mobile home moving forward. Have never actually done the full experience of sleeping outdoors in the wilderness, but the reason is that I personally care about having the mobile house simply for the need for air conditioning all together. The major reason we do this it gets pretty muggy at night, plus having the air conditioning is absolutely a must for myself and others in our family. I spent a ton of dollars on a special mobile air conditioning unit as it was not only the muggy outdoor weather, but because our kids are undoubtedly heat sensitive! So, the heating as well as the cooling contractor in our town gave us a deal plus also some suggestions on the best mobile air conditioning they had available for mobile homes at this very time. The option the two of us, my spouse and me, made was the decision to go with was a strict a/c only system for the mobile home. Both of us have no heating as the two of us, my spouse and me with the kids, never go camping in the Winter time months, so it was cost effective to just have the a/c only installed into the mobile home that we got; Dare I really say, this a/c plan unit system actually works a slight bit better than the central heating as well as the cooling plan the two of us, my spouse and kids, have in our regular house! It has made myself and others in my household think about getting a heating as well as cooling plan substituted at home, but that will be a complete other investment that i’ll have to look into later when a loan is possible.