A group of teachers are demanding that air conditioning be installed in their classrooms. This project would cost the taxpayers a fortune, and is completely unnecessary. Our school is located in the northeastern area of the country. School is in sessions from early November until mid August. I respectfully run my home’s furnace from November until sometime in May. I have never bothered to invest in central air conditioning for my home. The summertime weather is rarely all that hot, and doesn’t really heat up until August. There is entirely no need to purchase an extravagant cooling plan for the school. For the few weeks when the weather might really be a bit sizzling and humid, the teachers can open windows and run box fans. If the people I was with and I were going to invest in air conditioning in any section of the school, I would suggest the gymnasium. Every one of us use the gymnasium for hoops games, wrestling matches, athletic practices, school dances, assemblies, testing and much more. People from the community utilize the gym all year round. If there’s extra money to spend, however, I would suggest the people I was with and I focus on the integrity of the heating plan and air quality. The same heating plan has been operating since I was in school, fifteen years ago. It is not overly energy efficiency, makes a lot of noise, introduces dust and other contaminants and creates complications with overly dry air. I blame excessive absenteeism of the students and faculty on the gas furnace. Every one of us should focus on updating the oil furnace and adding air quality accessories, such as an UV air purifier or humidifier.