The rooms in the new hospital are isolated with their own HVAC systems

My mom has a lot of health problems that leave her incapacitated and bed-bound.

The biggest issue is her severe case of Crohn’s Disease, but she also has a number of spinal injuries as well.

Between these problems, she’s also anemic and needs blood transfusions every year to stay alive. It’s hard leaving her at the hospital for the night without knowing if I am going to see her again alive. I should be happy that someone is helping me care for my mother for a change, but all I can feel is the heart ache from having her away from home. The only saving grace is the fact that she’s in a brand new hospital with state of the art equipment. This hospital was built during the pandemic, so all of the patient rooms were made into suites to keep patients isolated from one another. Beyond being at a lower risk for catching COVID in one of these rooms, it’s also a positive for her respiratory health. Her severe asthma is sensitive to any sort of airborne allergen, so it’s nice knowing that the rooms in the hospital have their own HVAC systems with isolated filters. This gives each room the cleanest air possible while preventing transmission from room to room. I’m sure it wasn’t cheap building the new hospital like this, but it’s a big improvement over how things were at the old hospital. Staying in a room with two other patients was a normal thing at the old hospital, so I’m just glad that my mom is getting better care at a newer and cleaner facility.

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