Doing Some Heat Pump Maintenance on my Unit This Week

Well, I shouldn’t say that I am doing the repair, rather I am hiring an Heating, Ventilation & A/C specialist to come and do the repair on my heat pump.

I guess it needs some care because it hasn’t been heating my home legitimately well lately and I guess there is something that needs to be done with the pump to help it function better.

I absolutely don’t think anything about Heating, Ventilation & A/C systems except for how to clean the filters and how to clean the vents when they are dirty. I would rather go to the beach than labor on my Heating, Ventilation & A/C system so I guess I will just call them and set something up. The local company is open now and it is only a several minute walk there so I guess I’ll get up and go down there in a few minutes. I could take my bike there but I don’t like to leave it outside for too long because it is a nice bike and I don’t have a lock for it right now. I guess the house services store sells bike locks so maybe I’ll go there too and get myself a nice big bike lock for my baby. I guess the heat pump service will be quite cheap because the local business that does it is legitimately slow now as a lot of people have gone out of town for holiday with their families. They do this every Winter around December and it is kind of nice because the town gets absolutely peaceful for about a month. Life is good.

More info here