Take it from me, you should never trust a relative with your HVAC system.

One thing I have learned in my 60 years on earth is that if you need a repair done, you should never ask a relative.

I learned that lesson many years ago.

My oldest brother was sure he could repair the icemaker in my refrigerator, and that resulted in my needing to purchase a new refrigerator. When my sewing machine broke down, my sister offered to check it out since she was an avid seamstress, and I ended up buying a new sewing machine. I could not blame my brother-in-law, when he offered to repair my HVAC system, and things went wrong. I was sure that all I needed was to have the air filter and the air ducts cleaned, but he still insisted on helping out. He changed the air filter on the AC unit, and he cleaned out my air ducts. I thought that was all he was going to do, but I was wrong. He then proceeded to open up the AC unit and give it a thorough cleaning. He told me there was a lot of dust on the fan blades, when he brought them in the washer him. By the time the fan blades were clean, I could see where some of them seemed to be twisted. Although I kept telling him that he had to be gentle with the fan blades, he still continued to scrub. After putting them back into the AC unit, I heard an odd rattling. The twisted fan blades needed to be replaced. I think I’ve learned to never trust a relative with my HVAC system.

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