She was saving the iguanas

I used to think it was just an urban legend that was handed down by our grandparents.

  • It was said that when the temperature dropped below forty degrees, the iguana that were living in the trees, would become catatonic and fall from the trees.

Iguanas are numerous in our area and they get very large. I could only imagine what they would do to a person if one were to fall on someone. I work with one girl who loves the iguanas. She has taken some in as pets and she rescues the babies whose mother has been injured or killed. When she heard that our temperatures were going down to near freezing for a couple of nights, she bought several space heaters. She said she was going to go out with the space heaters and revive the iguanas who fall from the trees. I could just picture her running all over town, turning on the space heater and saving the iguanas. She even posted her intentions on facebook, which earned a big following. When the temperatures dropped, she had a group of people manned with space heaters, ready to save the iguanas. Some people were even bringing them into their cars, where they had the heating running. They all have big hearts and they don’t want to see any animal harmed. I just found it funny to see people with space heaters, running all over the parking lot. I can only imagine how the home stores loved this little spate of cold weather. The space heaters and battery operated space heaters, were flying off the shelves.


Heater maintenance