Say goodbye to irritants in the air if you clean your ductwork

I delightedly paid for an extensive cleaning to repair the problem, but every one of us hoped that this would allow our air conditioning to run as great as it did before with powerful and chilly air coming from the vents

A while back, I got a routine visit from a Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C corporation, so the the Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C repairman could take a look at a problem that I had with my air conditioning unit. It was not running effectively plus there was really little chilly air coming from the vents like there should have been. In addition to the air conditioning component not functioning properly, my family and I were coughing and sneezing quite a lot. The Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C corporation informed me that the Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C vents needed some extensive cleaning because of all the dirt plus dust build-up where it had caused some mechanical failures that he was able to fix that day. However, the main problem was the wearing down of those a/c components by all of the dust build-up that was choking up the system resulting in restricted airflow. I delightedly paid for an extensive cleaning to repair the problem, but every one of us hoped that this would allow our air conditioning to run as great as it did before with powerful and chilly air coming from the vents. The Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C corporation also promised that our coughing plus sneezing and congestion would significantly lessen with a cleaner Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C unit. After all the cleaning plus repairs were done, I have to say that he was correct. It was so much better to breathe fresh air plus have cooling air conditioning once more! Since then, myself and my husband have resulted to properly getting it straightened out with the cleanings of our Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C component and the air ducts so that they will never get that dirty ever again! I would request cleaning the thermostat as well.


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