Although our primary residence is in the northern part of the country, my spouse Richard plus I also own a small beach house down south. We both genuinely spend a combined total of more than six to eight months in our little holiday condo down south. Richard plus I do our best to completely avoid the extreme winter time temperatures plus snow up north. By the time we get to our southern home, the place has sat empty for quite some time though. While we’re away, we shut off all besides a single electrical outlet. We both used to only keep the refrigerator plus a security camera operating. There is no need to run the air conditioner plus cool an empty house. However, Richard plus I soon realized that moisture was causing serious issues. The high humidity was leading to condensation, mold plus mildew growth. We were both upset about the integrity of the structure plus furnishings, and air quality. We managed to explain our situation to a local heating plus air conditioning dealer, who advocated a whole-home dehumidifier. Although the dehumidifier is incorporated into the air conditioner system, it operates independently. All of us can operate the dehumidifier plus regulate moisture levels without needing to run the cooling system as well. The dehumidifier extracts excess humidity from the air, plus lets us customize levels to our preferences. When we’re in residence, we’ve found that the dehumidifier has greatly improved comfort plus allows us to get by with a higher thermostat settings. We’ve reduced our weekly energy costs plus lessened the workload of the air conditioner. The condo no longer feels sticky or stinks musty, plus I don’t need to clean as often.