Pushing myself too hard

I keep myself in very good physical shape.

I workout everyday and push myself to maintain peak flexibility, strength and stamina.

My workout sessions usually last for about an hour and I include a wide variety of exercises. I always include a thorough warm up, some type of strength training and high intensity cardio. Along with a variety of activities, I make an effort to work all the different parts of the body. I work my legs by running, cycling, lunges and squats. I work my arms by lifting free weights, push ups, rowing and plank holds. I target my abs with lots of different crunches performed on an incline bench. I get a whole-body workout with lots of jumping rope. Because of my dedication to physical fitness, I sometimes push myself too far. I don’t realize my own limitations. I recently tackled a huge home improvement job that required hanging drywall on the ceiling. I balanced pieces of drywall on my head and used my left hand to hold them in place while I ran the cordless drill with my left hand. The job was strenuous and resulted in my straining my trapezius muscle. I was in such pain that I couldn’t stand up for more than a minute or two for three weeks. I laid flat on my back on my couch. I couldn’t even roll to my side because of the level of pain. I wasn’t able to wash my own hair or walk up the stairs. I couldn’t work out for more than a month. I am now trying to be more careful with how I treat my body.

Fitness coaching