I have a rental property that has proven to be nothing however a pain in the butt. I get constant calls from my renters. I have this one man Sally that I especially hate and regularly ignore his calls. She calls myself and others about everything. If the driveway has snow, the toilet is congested or if there is noise downstairs, I am getting a call. That is why his latest call took myself and others awhile to get to. Sally called and called myself and others all month long. I finally picked up and he told myself and others that there were critters in the apartment ductwork… Critters in the Heating and Air Conditioning ducts? Yeah, I totally did not know her. I told his that they would eventually leave and he should not call myself and others again. Another month went by and he called myself and others hsystical that he could hear them chewing in the ductwork. I finally came over to see what was actually going on. Turns out Sally was right. The outdoor vent to the Heating and Air Conditioning machine had a hole in it. A bunch of squirrels got inside of the ductwork and began to chew and make nests. I had to call an critter control company for the squirrels. I then had to call a Heating and Air Conditioning worker to repair the disfigured air ducts and outdoor Heating and Air Conditioning unit. The whole heating and air program was basically toast. It was such an lavish repair. I blame Sally totally for this though. If he did not call myself and others all of the time, I would have been over sooner to catch the critters.