our town is says this can't be allowed

I am about to carefully tell you something that you legitimately will not believe when you hear it.

A lot of small towns continue to have the most unrespected rules going on. Well this small town that I currently live in just did the most deranged thing. They are entirely banning gas oil furnaces! Yes I am not kidding you about this HVAC genocide! They sent out a notice to all the home owners living in the area about how gas oil heating systems are a complete danger to the air quality. Also they were saying how many gas oil heating systems were dangerous in general. I mean, when you consider it, this makes sense. However if you absolutely look after your family gas oil furnace properly plus take fine care of it they will not create all the dangers that they are panicking about! I have had my gas oil furnace for a legitimately long time already. And now with the gas oil furnace being banned I am honestly being forced to either sell my up-to-date home plus immediately move to a normal town in the neighborhood or get rid of it all together… Getting rid of my gas oil furnace plus quickly replacing it with a central heating plus a/c or something else is absolutely going to be impossible for me right now. I suppose I could maybe go around town and get some space heating systems to heat my home, but this would not efficiently heat the entire condo unless I spent a ton of money plus got about 10 of these portable space heaters!


Hybrid heating