Not sure if I like our electric heater or not

After making a major purchase I usually live in regret for a few weeks. I need to justify the purchase over and over again before I know comfortable. When I bought our new car it took me a long time to be glad. I kept thinking I should just take it back and get a used one. When I bought new furniture, I was not sure if it was the right style, color or size for our home. I spent weeks resting on it and pondering if I wanted to keep it. Now I got a new electric heater. I just can’t seem to make up our mind if I like it or not. I know that there is no returning the electric heating system. I already had the Heating as well as Air Conditioning supplier into the beach house to perform the furnace install. I got everything hooked up and running. An electric gas furnace can live 10-15 years with familiar heating maintenance. So this purchase is one that is going to stick around for a long time. I need to start feeling better about it. I keep thinking of the disadvantages though. I lose power a lot over the winter. So that means our furnace will be inefficient unless I invest in a generator. That is going to smell. Maybe I should have went with gas heating? The electric gas furnace does use 100% of the electric it takes, but it is super fancy to run… Electric heating costs way more than gas or oil. So maybe electric is not so great after all. But, like I said, I am kind of stuck with the furnace now.

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