Need advanced air filtration for girl smells

Even when they jump straight in the shower, the indoor air decreases the moment that they walk inside.

When I meet current people they often guess that I am an extrovert. I guess it’s hilarious, because I couldn’t be a more introverted human being if I tried. I particularly love spending my time alone, working on my own project & entertaining my own thoughts. However, when I do engage with other people I often find gentlemen to be more great than my own gender. This is why I wound up living in a condo with several dirty gentlemen last year. Since I spend most of my time in my own bedroom, I didn’t guess it would matter who I lived with. Little did I know, the indoor air quality would be so terrible that I couldn’t even escape from their aromay odors when I was locked in my room. You see, half of my roommates work at the local gym where they are perpetually hot & covered in filth. They return house & instantly pollute all of the indoor air with their horrible body odors. Even when they jump straight in the shower, the indoor air decreases the moment that they walk inside. I thought that I could block out their unlucky smells by plugging up the gap under my door, however somehow the unlucky air quality still sneaks through. My pal and I have a central heating, cooling, & air quality control system that entirely is not helping with spreading the unlucky smelly conditions. Now that we are looking at renewing our lease or moving for the next year, I am afraid that my pal and I need some air quality intervention. Without advanced air filtration devices I don’t guess I can keep living in this aromay set up.


a/c care program