My husband tripped over the HVAC technician.

My husband tripped over the HVAC technician last week.

The HVAC technician had his hand injured when he moved quickly and the wrench he was holding came bouncing back and twisted his fingers.

My husband did a header into the swingset and needed eight stitches around his eye. I couldn’t fathom what happened, and both of them were in a tizzy over what had happened. Apparently, my husband didn’t know the HVAC technician was outside. He was in a rush to get to work and ran outside to get to the car. The HVAC technician was stretched out on the ground, checking something out inside the AC unit. I remembered telling my husband the HVAC technician was going to be there at 7 AM. I didn’t get home until 7:30 AM. I didn’t know if my husband didn’t hear me, or if he had forgotten. He and the HVAC technician were sitting in the emergency room when I got off shift. I saw the xrays for the HVAC technician, and then I talked to the doctor about my husband’s injuries. I had to laugh when I heard what had happened. Even the HVAC technician was laughing. He said he should have had his feet so close to the back door, but he didn’t think anyone was home. He was trying to coax a kitten out from under the AC unit. My husband didn’t know the HVAC technician was outside. Neither felt any animosity over the situation, but my husband’s head hurt too much to laugh.


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