My hubby tripped over the Heating plus A/C serviceman.

My hubby tripped over the Heating plus A/C serviceman last week. The Heating plus A/C serviceman had his hand harmd when he moved abruptly and the wrench he was holding came bouncing back and twisted his fingers. My hubby did a header into the swingset and needed eight stitches around his eye. I couldn’t fathom what happened, and both of them were in a tizzy over what had happened. Apparently, my hubby didn’t know the Heating plus A/C serviceman was outside. He was in a rush to get to labor and ran outside to get to the car. The Heating plus A/C serviceman was stretched out on the ground, checking something out inside the AC unit. I remembered telling my hubby the Heating plus A/C serviceman was going to be there at 7 AM. I didn’t get home until 7:30 AM. I didn’t know if my hubby didn’t hear me, or if he had forgotten. He and the Heating plus A/C serviceman were kneeling in the emergency room when I got off shift. I saw the xrays for the Heating plus A/C serviceman, and after that I talked to the medical professional about my hubby’s injuries. I had to laugh when I heard what had happened. Even the Heating plus A/C serviceman was laughing. He said he should have had his feet so close to the back door, although he didn’t believe anyone was home. He was trying to coax a kitten out from under the AC unit. My hubby didn’t know the Heating plus A/C serviceman was outside. Neither felt any animosity over the situation, however my hubby’s head hurt too much to laugh.

duct cleaning