My current task at work

I just recently got a current task toiling in the sales department for the local heating and A/C system supplier, i genuinely knew nothing about heating and cooling however had great experience in sales.

I used to work as a sales rep for a local car lot in town.

I was one of the top sales reps in that supplier too! This is how and why the local heating and A/C system supplier hired me in the first place. I have been toiling for the heating and A/C system supplier now for about a week. I am doing pretty well surprisingly! To learn more information on heating and A/C system products I visited several websites on the internet. I also learn a whole lot about heat and air conditioning system products… To learn all of this information I recall clicking several clickable live links on the websites I was on. These clickable live links took me to assorted pages to learn more information on heating and A/C system products online! Once I was done with all of that I was able to finally suppose a little of what I was talking about. I sell heating and A/C system products to local people here in town. That is the main function of my sales task here at the heating and A/C system supplier that I work for in my local town, but heating and cooling has genuinely become quite interesting to me. I suppose I am going to stay at this task for quite a while. This is of course if I can keep my sales numbers up!


