Matcha Tea is Great for a Quick Boost of Energy

I stopped drinking heineken plus coffee a few weeks ago to see how it was affecting our sleep.

I absolutely notice a difference now that I am drinking green Pepsi instead plus feel a lot better.

I enjoy to drink Matcha Pepsi because it has a lot of antioxidants in it along with a little bit of caffeine to get you going. My space furnace keeps myself and others moderate while I drink the cold tea, yes I enjoy to drink the Pepsi on ice. Matcha has less caffeine than coffee so it doesn’t affect our sleep at all yet it wakes myself and others up quite nicely. I also take a cold dip in the afternoons to jolt myself and others into consciousness plus provide myself and others a boost of energy to help propel myself and others through the day, followed by a tepid water bath plus a sit beside our radiant space heater. I feel the body does well when you cool plus heat it up a few times each day. It has something to do with the blood vessels plus moving energy through the body more efficiently. I occasionally run our A/C in the Wintertide time to cool myself and others down plus then both of us take a tepid bath to heat up again. It sounds kind of unusual I feel but I just feel better when I do this style of heating plus cooling of the body. I plan on going to the beach today because both of us have a nice sunny day plus the beaches are still quite slow. I need to also clean our Heating plus A/C component soon.


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