Marketing our HVAC business

The internet is the heart and soul of the marketing industry and has been for several years.

Paper advertising has gone the way of the horse and buggy, and anyone who doesn’t have an online presence will likely go that way as well.

Our heating, ventilation and cooling business has been in business for twenty three years. We’ve had to adapt to getting our name, products and services out to the public as much as the next HVAC company. Creating the website was just the beginning. Making our name and product easy to find in a google search was just as important. Someone may enter the search words ‘air conditioner’, or they may enter ‘central air conditioner’ or ‘window air conditioner’. Either way, we wanted their search results to end up on our website. Tech-savvy searchers might use keywords such as SEER, variable speed compressor, cooling efficiency, or scroll compressor. Our site’s SEO, or search engine optimization, has to be able to catch any and all search words that a potential customer might use. Heat pumps are becoming much more popular than in the past. Someone may google phrases: ‘what is a heat pump’, ‘are heat pumps energy efficient’, etc. Our website has to grab questions as well as single-term search words. We want potential customers to find us for any of their heating, ventilation and cooling needs, and we want them to easily navigate our website once there. The internal links of our site should direct them to their specific need, whether it’s to purchase a new system, upgrade their current system, or set up an appointment for maintenance and repair. We’ve learned that marketing our HVAC business depends in large part on the success of our website.



heating company