Joined the Heating and A/C service system finally

I suppose it all started with me the first time I heard, “would you like fries with that.” The upsell is one of those things in life that I just can’t stand.

And it’s only gotten so much worse. It’s gotten to the point that I don’t even want to leave the quality heating and air in my new home to go shop for something. Invariably, I find what I’m looking for only to spend time fending off some aggressive salesperson. There are insurance plans I can buy, replaces and additional components. It gets me so upset that while the Heating and A/C cooling may be pumping in the store, I’m perspiring because I’m getting so steamed up. I don’t like that something this trivial gets me so fired up and exasperated. And I’ve done my best to try to make that different. It’s just that I do a lot of research when I want to buy something particular. And it’s just so disrespectful the way my needs are trivial because the store just wants more and more of my money. This is why I resisted joining the Heating and A/C service system for so long. I simply didn’t want to hear it when I’d call the Heating and A/C company to schedule Heating and A/C service. However, after talking with the Heating and A/C worker during one heating service appointment, I saw the light. The Heating and A/C service system is entirely a genuinely value added deal. Not only do I get Heating and A/C service twice a year, the Heating and A/C company takes care of making the appointments. Plus, if anything goes wrong with the Heating and A/C equipment, I only have to spend money for the parts.

energy saving tips