It enhances well

I am genuinely ecstatic that I discovered this little energy savings tip within our own home, however like I said, I am pretty surprised I had never thought of this before

I found a really enjoyable way to help the central air conditioning in our beach beach house cool the locale a lot faster. It was a straight-forward solution that I am surprised I never had thought to try before. That was to run the ceiling fans that are under the air vents of our central heating & A/C system at the same time as the air conditioning. This cools the beach house down about 50 percent quicker than it would just running the central air conditioning normal with nothing pushing the air flow around. By doing this I have also started to save money on the energy use of our central heating & A/C in the Summer time weeks of the year when I am running the air conditioning. This trick does not toil in the Wintertide because the ceiling fan doesn’t keep the heating sizzling when it would blow it around. I already tried this. It actually makes it take longer to heat the beach beach house if I run the ceiling fans with the heater. But for the central air conditioning this is the most perfect solution to energy savings without having to go messing with portable heat & air conditioning equipment. I am genuinely ecstatic that I discovered this little energy savings tip within our own home, however like I said, I am pretty surprised I had never thought of this before. It would have had me saving money years ago had I figured it out. Sometimes the most evident solutions are right in front of us & it takes us a while to notice them.


hot water boiler