Is marijuana going to help with my arthritis pain?

When I saw the recreational marijuana store open in our area, I was tempted to go in and check it out.

Nothing the doctor did was able to ease the pain and crippling joint twists of my arthritis.

He had me on a lot of medications that had to have other medications to counteract the reactions I was having to the different drugs. I walked away that day, but not the next day. I was in so much pain that I couldn’t stay away. I had heard how marijuana could help with the pain, and I was ready to try it out. I called the recreational marijuana store and asked if they had a website. I got the information and I went online. I was surprised at all the information I was able to find. They even offered delivery to my area, so everything was contactless. I liked that idea because we were in an area that was still under quarantine from the pandemic. I put in a small order and I picked out some items I may want to sample. I received a phone call from the marijuana store, asking me when I wanted the delivery. They also told me that what I chose may not be the right marijuana that I needed. He made some suggestions and told me that he was going to add in a few samples I hadn’t asked for. I couldn’t believe how easy it was to talk to the people in the marijuana store. The medical marijuana dispensary would have been my first choice, but I’m glad they made marijuana legal so I didn’t need to go through the hassle of getting a medical marijuana prescription.

legal marijuana