I'm giving my window air conditioner away

I wasn’t sure what I was going to do with my old air conditioner after upgrading to a brand-new one.

My old air conditioner was a straightforward window AC unit, and even though it was old, it still functioned well, so I reasoned that I should just give it to someone else who needed it.

I decided that I would give it away for free after all. I was surprised by how many people wanted to come and get it when I posted an advertisement online. In order to stop people from fighting over the window air conditioner, I had to advertise on her first-come, first-served platform. I was using my ductless mini split air conditioner in the meantime. Based on the reviews, I knew the ductless mini split air conditioner would be a great air conditioner when I first purchased it. But I hadn’t anticipated how amazing it turned out to be in its entirety. It was an absolutely fantastic air conditioner that kept me cool while also cooling down my home. Even my central AC system didn’t typically do something like this. I sometimes feel like I’ll lower the thermostat on the control unit, but the air conditioner won’t do anything! Perhaps I should have it checked. I was happy to see my old window air conditioner go when the first lucky person arrived to collect it. I just so happened to know that it would have a second life thanks to someone else. They might eventually switch to a ductless mini-split air conditioner as well, maybe one afternoon.
climate control