I scheduled the lady as soon as possible

A very upset woman contacted the HVAC store.

She was upset because her air conditioner wasn’t working and she had just brought both of her twins home from the hospital.

The woman was frantic and upset and I really wanted to be able to help. I didn’t have anybody available, but I told the woman that I would have that next available service technician come to her home. I told the woman that I would call her when I had someone available. After I got off the phone, I contacted all of my available service technicians. I wanted to see where the guys were in terms of finishing up their jobs. Jack was about 20 minutes away from finishing with a regularly scheduled HVAC tune up. He got the address for the next job from me and I called the customer to let her know that I had a service technician that would be available in about 30 minutes. The customer thanked me for finding someone as quickly as possible. The woman left a wonderful review for our company a couple of days later. I knew the review came from this specific customer, because she mentioned her predicament of bringing her new children home to a house that did not have any cold AC. I replied to her online, and I told the woman that we were more than happy to help in her time of need. I also suggested that she contact us anytime in the future if she had further problems with the AC or the heat pump.

Whole home air purification