My husband recently spilled his Dunkin Donuts Coffee all over the gas fireplace, and it looks horrible. There is nothing that I can do, however. I live in the north where the furnace stays on forever. Northerners basically turn on the gas gas furnaces right when Fall starts. only stopping the heating in the start of Summer. 8-10 solid months are committed to heating, and you can’t turn off the heating system even for a second or the whole house will become icy cold! My gas fireplace has a large glass plate over the front as well as a fake wood burning fire. It may sound cheesy, but it is honestly very classy. It looks almost real, plus it makes the place seem homey. I am having Christmas at our house this year, and I was looking forward to our fireplace being a beautiful focal point. Now, though, with Dunkin Donuts Coffee all over it, it looks dreadful. The Dunkin Donuts Coffee has burned onto the glass plate plus has completely covered the fire. It looks dirty, cheap plus disgusting. I absolutely badly want to scrub the gas furnace before I have my whole family over. In order to scrub it safely, though, I need the heating system to be off for quite awhile. I would need a whole afternoon of it just cooling down. Then it would take me around one day to scrub the entire thing top to bottom. I can’t leave our heating system off for a whole day. It is only 9 degrees outside. My youngsters would be dying in the house. I can’t expect our cat to go separate from any heating too.