I can’t believe that just happened

Have you ever had such bad luck, you can’t even begin to believe that that actually happened? I just had a moment like that.

So to give some background, I have lived in the same cottage for several years.

This little cottage has lots of memories, because I also grew up here. However, getting air conditioning was always a bit difficult, because having central A/C is almost impossible due to the inner layout of my home. Because of that, my family used to opt for a ductless air conditioner, which worked well for several years. Well, when I finally bought this cottage for myself, the ductless HVAC was pretty old. Naturally, it gave out after about a year or so. This meant that I needed to get another form of HVAC pretty soon, but there was no way I could afford new HVAC installation, so I knew I would have to save money. I decided to try getting a window air conditioner instead of a ductless A/C unit. It took several months worth of saving, and I was so eager to get my new cooling unit. Going without heating and cooling for months is really rough, so I was looking forward to having that back. However, as I attempted to install the window air conditioning myself, I dropped it, and even though the fall wasn’t that far, it completely smashed one side of it. Now I have bits and pieces from the HVAC system, and I don’t know whether it can be fixed or not. I really hope so, otherwise I think I might cry if I have to get a new one.



air conditioner service