How I get it done

My brother and his wife are genuinely struggling.

The factory in town, where they both worked shut down and now they are residing on unemployment income.

They are both trying to find jobs however they have done the same thing for the past many years and working on an assembly line doesn’t provide you many skills for this week’s job market. I did tell them both that the local university was looking for cleaners however they don’t seem absolutely interested in that line of toil either. My hubby and I have talked about what all of us would do in their situation and all of us both agree that all of us would take whatever job was available to make ends meet. If it meant working at the university, mopping floors, or even working at a fast food joint. Many of these jobs are work intensive and you don’t have ideal working conditions however at least it would help to pay the bills. I suppose that 1 of the reasons they don’t want to toil there is because the university buildings are not air conditioned and can get absolutelyboilingwhile all of us were in the summer. This is when they need people most in order to ready the building for the next university year… Whatever their reasons I wish they would do something instead of sitting around feeling sorry for themselves and collecting unemployment. A job is not going to fall into their laps and the factory is not going to open back up. Maybe they should apply to the local trade university and take classes in something that would be more relevant in this week’s job market.

Air conditioning install