Heating up my room naturally

Opening up my windows definitely had a positive impact, as my room felt much warmer already.

With the way heating and cooling bills are, I knew there was no way I could run the furnace system more. Already, my heating bill has doubled just by using the furnace more in the winter. So that left me with one problem, how do I heat my room without the worry of HVAC bills? For some reason, my room is really cold compared to the rest of the house. The central heating unit does a fantastic job of keeping everything warm, except for my room that is. So now that it was winter, I needed to find alternative methods of keeping everything warm, without the HVAC unit. One of the first methods I thought of was letting in sunshine. My room is cast in shadow for most of the day, which will probably contribute to the chilly temperatures. I started opening my curtains more in letting in that natural heat. The great thing about sunshine is not only does it naturally heat up the room, but it’s completely free. Opening up my windows definitely had a positive impact, as my room felt much warmer already. However, it still could be warmer. I know a friend of mine has radiant heated flooring, and I have heard those are cheap, but I’m not so sure. I am trying to avoid using any kind of heating method, however, if I can’t find another reliable way of heating my room, I might just consider heated floors. Until then, I will keep looking at my options.

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