My kids were always getting into it with each other for months after all of us obtained this house. I thought giving them their own rooms would put an end to a lot of the squabbling. While this did help, it still caused the issue of who got to have the upper floor heated to what temperature. While my hubby plus I are pretty pleased to just put on a sweater or grab a blanket it all of us get a little frigid, the kids always want to turn up the heating. They complain that they’re still so small that they get a lot colder than my hubby plus I do, which is really not wrong by any means. However, not all of the kids love it quite so hot. The result is several children who always complain about the temperature of their entryways. I don’t think why I thought having just a single thermostat for each floor would be enough for this house when I moved in, but in the end my hubby plus I decided the only way to but an end to the fighting was to just add more Heating plus Air Conditioning zone control. So instead of having a single per floor, all of us have a single for the downstairs floor, plus then a single for each of the several entryways upstairs. The rule is that each child gets to program their thermostat with mom plus Mom once, plus after that they can’t touch it. This way they aren’t just cranking the heat plus over strenuous the gas furnace. Now the kids rooms are set to their own weather conditions control preferences, plus the fighting is finally at its end.