Happy with my heat pump

Overall, the heat pump is especially energy efficient plus keeps bi-weekly utility costs satisfactory

For the weather in my local area, a heat pump is the ideal solution. The Winter temperature never drops below freezing while the summer time is horribly moderate plus humid. Air conditioning is absolutely a priority however we can’t go without heating. Although a heat pump is a rather expensive purchase, the single unit provides both heating plus cooling capacity. It also avoids the burning of fossil fuels to generate heat. Because there is no combustion process, the plan doesn’t produce greenhouse gases or carbon monoxide. It is especially environmentally friendly plus safe. I don’t worry about the air quality threats acquaintanced with a gas oil furnace. The heat pump runs on electricity plus makes use of ambient heat in the air. In cooling mode, it pulls heat from outside, compresses it to a higher temperature plus delivers it into the house. In heating mode, the heat pump literally reverses the flow of refrigerant. It performs similarly to a refrigerator or a conventional air conditioner, drawing heat out of the air plus pumping it outdoors. I spent more on a better quality heat pump that includes stretchy speed technology. The plan automatically increases plus decreases speed to match the demands of the home. There’s rarely a time that it needs to blast at max capacity. It correctly runs at lower speeds for longer cycles. This allows for superior energy efficiency plus more consistent temperature. Overall, the heat pump is especially energy efficient plus keeps bi-weekly utility costs satisfactory. All of us have been ecstatic with the comfort plus reliability gave by the heat pump. It has proven unquestionably effective at handling excess humidity.
