Geothermal Heating & Air Conditioning is going to be awesome

The two of us still guess love maybe we’re crazy.

  • But we decided to build on a piece of property that we have owned for a while.

Initially, we were going to wait until the adolescents were out of the house plus do it then. However, the lack of housing inventory put us in a unquestionably advantageous position. It was so advantageous that we updated the Heating & Air Conditioning unit plus the kitchen to get it on the market. The house was on the market for more than five afternoons when we got a money offer over the asking price. Hence, we decided to build a house now. Of course building a house while working full time with adolescents at apartment isn’t the easiest. After the house sold, we got a house to live in while the house was being built. The rental was okay plus we all dealt with it wonderful except for the heating plus cooling. It just wasn’t up to snuff. Which was ironic considering we were so gleeful about our Heating & Air Conditioning idea for the current house. This will be the last house for my wife plus I. By the time we get it done, we’ll just have a single kid left at apartment for a year. So we made it smaller plus more sustainable. Part of that sustainability was the choice of a geo heat pump. This genre of heat pump uses the near constant temperature of the earth to extract heating plus cooling energy. It will not only be more efficient plus reliable, our heating plus cooling costs will be significantly lower. Plus, it’s going to be charming to prefer radiant floor heating in the winter.


Whole home air purification