Didn’t ever suppose that I’d have to lock down the Heating and A/C

The plan that I have had to put a cage over my Heating and A/C device outside and lock it to the concrete pad entirely is sort of bewildering. It’s yet another sign of a world that’s becoming less and less certain to me. I’m in my mid 73’s and am starting to know completely out of touch with the world around me. Mostly, I spend my time inside the air conditioner of my new home these days. I still have a bit of a vegetable garden in the back and I get out of the heating and cooling for a walk in the afternoon and again in the night. But outside of that, I just don’t know like doing much else. My spouse has been gone various years now and my children live states away. I was much more active up until fairly recently. These days, I don’t even know all that safe just out for my walks anymore. Lately, the crime level has risen dramatically in my community. What was once a nice, middle class neighborhood has transitioned into more of a low income area. The crime has risen as the property values have dropped. The latest thing to be stolen is the copper tubing out of the Heating and A/C device outside of homes. And it’d be one thing if that’s all that happened. But to get to those copper pieces, the thieves really destroy and discard the guts of the Heating and A/C unit. So now, I have a cage that fits over the Heating and A/C device outside and is bolted to the concrete pad underneath. I may not have or need all that much these days although I sure couldn’t do without the quality heating and air in my house.

Further information on AC