Central air conditioner is one of the reasons I moved out

I know you probably would think it’s a dumb reason, but one of the main reasons I moved out of my parent’s home as quickly as possible was the air conditioning system.

You see, even though my parents have a well functioning air conditioning unit, they chose to almost never use it.

Our home was usually in the 80s, and if there was something I learned early on, it’s that I can never sleep well when it’s overheated. All throughout my childhood and growing up, I always had difficulty sleeping because of the heat. When I would bring this up to my parents, they thought it just had to be some other reason, not the temperatures. Because of this, I always did horribly in school, because I would be far too tired to focus, and no amount of tutors or studying would do anything. My parents were sure that I had some sleep related issue, such as sleep apnea, but I was positive I didn’t. So as soon as I turned 18, I moved out. I moved out in a small and rather cheap apartment, but that didn’t matter, because as soon as I was able to turn on the window air conditioner, and feel the apartment fill with cooling air, it made all of those months of saving up worth it. I am so glad to finally be able to control the air conditioner when I want, and not have to worry about sleepless nights. In my apartment, the thermostat will always be set at a nice 74 degrees.

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